četvrtak, 28. travnja 2016.

Nakon 100 godina :O

Vec me neko vrijeme nije bilo ovdje, ljudi ni ja ne vjerujem. OK, za opravdanje cu iskoristiti to da sam bio pod jako velikim obavezama i jos sam. No vec me neko vrijeme kopka griznja savjest da nisam nista novo napisao i da je to vec preslo u bezobrazluk. Tako da od danas svaki 2 - 3 dan mozete ocekivati novi update-ovan post na nekim od tri moja bloga koja ja vodim. Sto se tice poslovni saradnja ostao sam suradjivati sa LightInTheBox.com, KATASTROFA, jer sam bio toliko neaktivan cudo me i oni nisu odbacili. Ali eto sad obecajem da ce postovi biti cesto postvljani. Odmah iza ovog mozete ocekivati post sa iskustvom sa gore vec pomenutim site-om. I jos vazna stvar ko je zainteresovan za igre od polovine juna mozete ocekivati moj licni Youtube kanal, kao i to da trebam da dogovorim neke poslovne saradnje u narednom periodu o cemu cete i vi biti blagovremeno obavjesteni.

srijeda, 2. ožujka 2016.

GALLA - najpoznatiji moški modni blog

Ko je GALLA?

Adam Gallagher pod pseudonimom Galla je već kao tinejdžer dokazivao kako ima osjećaj za stil. Svoj posao kao bloger je počeo sam, a danas ga pratim čitav tim ljudi. Ono što Adam predstavlja na svom blogu i društvenim mrežama jeste njegova putovanja i odjevne kombinacije. Prema nekom mom mišljenju Adam Gallagher je jedan od današnjih muških ikona stila u svijetu. Podrška!!!

utorak, 1. ožujka 2016.


Since casinos already here three days and I did not write, but here that we touch one juicy details, and this is Gigi Hadid at the Milan Fashion Week last Saturday.

We are all aware that Gigi Hadid starting all recognize, and its popularity is growing abnormal speed. '' Bad luck '' that it took place last Saturday, thrilled the all of the fashion critics but to ordinary people. The fact that she could see what is not needed, it is brought out dobrostojećki and shone in full glory. After completing his walk on the runway, Donatella Versace gave her '' FIVE '' and it is also for the Gigi any enthusiasm.

My opinion is that not everyone needs to take and each person on the catwalk, and in life. Anything that is in you show and that the more you do not need or that these snakes labels what they want. Hang it and show you're tough, trust worth it ...


ponedjeljak, 29. veljače 2016.


Pošto kasinim već evo tri dana i nisam ništa pisao, ali evo da se dotaknemo jednog sočnog detalja, a to je Gigi Hadid na Milano Fashion Week prošle subote.

Svi mi smo svjesni da Gigi Hadid počinju svi prepoznavati i njena popularnost raste nenormalnom brzinom. ''Peh'' koji joj se desio prošle subote, oduševio je sve od modnih kritičara pa do običnih ljudi. To što se njoj vidjelo ono što nije trebalo, ona je iznjela dobrostojećki i zablistala u najvećem sjaju. Nakon što je završila svoj hod po pisti, Donatela Versace joj je dala ''PET'' i to je i za samu Gigi bilo oduševljenje.

Moje mišljenje je da se baš svako treba ponjeti svaka osoba i na modnoj pisti, a i u životu. Bilo šta da se na tebi pokaže, a da je više što ne treba ili da ti kače etikete kakve oni požele. Izdrži to i pokaži da si faca, vjeruj isplati se...


nedjelja, 28. veljače 2016.

Oglašavanje na blogu:

Na blogu 'Black'n'White Coffee' imate priliku se oglašavati jednokratno, po sedmici ili mjesecu, čak možete i na 6 do 12 mjeseci. Način reklamiranja:


- zakupljenje banner-a na blogu;
- postovi (nije ograničeno);
- stranica (u redu iznad postova).

Društvene mreže:


- profilna slika;
- naslovna slika;
- share ( Vaših  važnih događaja, akcija, bilo koje objave );
- post.


- profilna;
- naslovna;
- share;
- post.


- profilna;
- post.

O načinu naplaćivanja me može kontaktirati marketing tim preko e-mail-a, facebook-a, twitter-a. Također pored novca, primam poklone, akcije na neki uređaj ili bilo šta, također možete poslati uređaj da ga ispitam, pa ako mi se svidi ide u reklame.


utorak, 23. veljače 2016.


Pretražuvajući po web-u s namjerom da posjetim sajtove muške mode za proljeće 2016. Nešto što sam zapazio je da ima dosta dobre odjeće u Calvin Klein-u, S. Oliver-u, ZARA-i... tako da bilo koji outfit kupite, nećete pogriješiti.

Features on the web with the intention to visit the sites of men's fashion for spring 2016. Something that I noticed is that there are plenty of good clothing in Calvin Klein , the S. Oliver , the ZARA - and ... so any outfit you buy , you'll not go wrong .

srijeda, 3. veljače 2016.

Evo Reality-a, evo LUDILA

Već deceniju Balkan potresa groznica po imenu Reality programi. Sama srž Rijalitija jeste zabavljanje gledalaca, promovisanje nekih novih interesantnih osoba, finansijska pomoć kao i reklama tim osobama, da ako hoće graditi dalje svoju krarijeru i put do zvijezda, naravno postoje i oni koji udomaćuju zvijezde sa već izgrađenim imenom i već poznate ljudima, a i na samom kraju ogromna zarada TV kućama na kojima se emituju te vrste programa.

Tako da i od početka ove 2016. Godine možete uživati u Rijaliti programima.

petak, 22. siječnja 2016.

Slikovni rezultat za western union


Western Union is a global company that offers years of service of fast money transfer worldwide .

Western Union used to receive money in minutes via the Internet . The money you receive and send . The only problem is when you send from Bosnia and Herzegovina have a limit of sending money ( up to 2500 EUR) during the month , and when you send from abroad is unlimited .

četvrtak, 14. siječnja 2016.

Diet: 7 secrets of skinny people

Discover some of the tricks of people who just never dieters, but nevertheless maintain a healthy weight without major difficulties.

1 Know that say NO

Women who maintain optimal weight without problems know say no to biscuits, dessert at the end of the day or fried potatoes for lunch. Every day is special, but it does not mean that it should be "celebrating" with fatty snacks.

2 They like to talk during meals

Food should be slowly and carefully to chew, because the brain will send a signal of satiety only twenty minutes after your stomach is actually full. American researchers have shown that precisely because less food into the body communicative people during meal time more talking.

3 Do not waste time on diet foods

Food with reduced fat and sugar sounds good in theory. To produce these foods it is necessary to include in the process a lot of chemical substances and additives.

4 Trademark Notification

The dictionary does not even exist skinny phrase bad food. Numerous studies have proven that the waiver of certain foods leads to obsessive fantasies about the type of food and danger to overdo it. That is why thin people eat everything - but in moderation.

5 Slepping

Lack of sleep the body tries to compensate for the additional energy or caffeine drinks, sweet and fatty foods. If you want to eat moderately, make sure you go to bed before midnight and sleep at least seven hours without a break.

6 Experimenting in the kitchen

Healthy food does not have to be boring food. Moreover, people who use more spices in the kitchen and are interested in trying new recipes, are less likely to fall into the danger of eating calorie meals. Cayenne pepper and chili peppers, for example, are great accelerators of metabolism, and each of them include in their recipes.

7 Do not count calories

Healthy food can be very calorific. Counting calories because you would be in danger of avoiding some important foods such as oily fish, nuts and dark chocolate, which are essential to the operation of the whole organism. Listen to the signals of your body, eat balanced and scales will have no objections.
Natural remedy for headaches and better than aspirin .
Slikovni rezultat za bademi
Headache was the most common problems of modern man caused by stress, fatigue, overload the body. Intolerable pressure in his head many have a habit facilitate rapid-saviors, aspirin pill. And it is the main ingredient of life-saving pills salicin which soothes the pain is located in the famous nuts. A handful of almonds a natural aspirin, namely their effect lasts longer, and no adverse reactions The headache usually occurs in the back of his head, causing poor concentration, irritability and fatigue. Since the symptoms are headaches most often stress, tension, flu, colds, sinusitis and indigestion experts unpleasant occurrence treated as a symptom, not a disease. Even more numerous relief for headache looking at alternative methods like meditation, drinking water, relaxation but also food. Aspirin equally effective can replace a handful of almonds. Salicin the anti-inflammatory active substance which contains almonds in a large amount, considering the effectiveness of which has in pain relief and many call it natural aspirin. In addition, almonds contain high levels of magnesium, which is important for a better flow of oxygen and nutrients in the body that helps to relax muscles and reduce irritability. A handful of almonds, specifically 10 to 12 pieces a day relieves and prevents headaches, a nut you eat raw, or soaked overnight in water and added to the meal.